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Movie Trivia

These are random movie trivia that I got from the web.

  • Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho was the first film to ever show a toilet flush.
  • In Batman & Robin, in the auction scene, Batman pulls out his credit card. Its “good until” date reads FOREVER.
  • For its American release, the first 20 minutes of Trainspotting had to be re-dubbed to make the Scottish accents more intelligible.
  • Whilst filming The Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence accidentally kicked co-star Josh Hutcherson in the head, knocking him out cold and resulted in a concussion. Badass.
  • Bruce Willis was the SIXTH choice to play John McClane. It was offered to Arnold Schwarzenegger, then Sylvester Stallone, then Burt Reynolds, then Richard Gere, then Harrison Ford, then Mel Gibson and finally Willis got the job. Although on the bright side, he received an unprecedented (at the time) $5 million pay packet for Die Hard. But prior to any of this, Die Hard was first written as a vehicle for Frank Sinatra according to the crooner’s contract. When he passed they rewrote it for a younger actor).
  • Manhattan is Woody Allen’s least favorite of the movies he has directed. He despised it so much that he offered to direct another film for United Artists, free of charge, if they kept his former project hidden away for good.
  • The iconic red stapler coveted by Milton in Office Space was created specifically for the film by the prop department. They needed a bright enough colour thus chose red. Upon release, Swingline received thousands of requests for red staplers. Despite discontinuing the colour years before, Swingline brought it back due to popular demand and the red stapler has been its best seller ever since.

  • In Saving Private Ryan, all the main actors besides Matt Damon were forced to undergo a brutal week long fitness camp for their roles as soldiers. Damon was exempt from it in order to generate genuine resentment towards him and his character.
  • For the later scenes featuring an older Kane, Orson Welles sat in the make-up chair from 2:30 am to be ready for a 9:00 am start on the Citizen Kane shoot.
  • In The Pursuit of Happyness, the homeless people who worked as extras received a full day’s pay at minimum wage ($8.62/hr) and free catered meals. For some it was the first money they’d made in a while.
  • The scene in The Breakfast Club in which all the characters sit in a circle on the floor of the library and tell stories about why they were in detention was not scripted. Hughes told them all to ad lib.

  • In Skyfall, the passport used by Daniel Craig was not created by the props department, but an authentic document as issued by the British Home Office. Everything from the paper, print, photograph and jacket are entirely genuine on James Bond’s ‘official passport’. Name = John Adam Bryce; Date of Birth = 16th December 1968; Sex = Male; Place of Birth = London; Date of Issue = 22nd June 2012.
  • In Love Actually, Rowan Atkinson’s character was initially supposed to be an angel and disappear as he walked away from Liam Neeson’s character in the airport scene.
  • The language spoken by Leeloo in The Fifth Element was invented by director Luc Besson and further refined by Milla Jovovich. By the end of filming they were able to have full conversations in this language.
  • Following the tremendous success of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the New Zealand government even created a Minister for Lord of the Rings, whose remit was to exploit all the economic opportunities the films represented.
  • Independence Day was shot in just 72 days.
  • O.J. Simpson was considered to play the role of the Terminator, but producers did not choose him as they thought he would not be taken seriously.

    O. J. Simpson
  • In the 1980s, Casablanca’s script was sent to readers at a number of major studios and production companies under its original title, “Everybody Comes to Rick’s”. Some readers recognized the script but most did not. Many complained that the script was “not good enough” to make a decent movie. Others gave such complaints as “too dated”, “too much dialogue” and “not enough sex”.
  • In the 1980s, Casablanca’s script was sent to readers at a number of major studios and production companies under its original title, “Everybody Comes to Rick’s”. Some readers recognized the script but most did not. Many complained that the script was “not good enough” to make a decent movie. Others gave such complaints as “too dated”, “too much dialogue” and “not enough sex.”
  • The Departed is the movie with the most uses of the word “fuck” and its derivatives (237) to win the Best Picture Oscar.
  • In Miss Congeniality, Cheryl “Rhode Island’s” answer to the question “What is your idea of a perfect date?” was actually used as an answer in a real beauty pageant.
  • The first theater in the world exclusively devoted to showing motion pictures was the Nickelodeon. This theater opened on June 19, 1905 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and cost of admission was a nickel.
  • The Cure for Insomnia (1987) is the longest movie ever made with a total running time of 85 hours (5,220 minutes).
  • My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) had a budget (inflation adjusted) of only $6 million and revenues of $369 million, for a whopping 6150 percent return on investment.
  • Judy Garland, who portrayed Dorothy, was paid just $35 a week for The Wizard of Oz (1939). Funny enough, the dog Toto received $125 a week.

  • Do you know which candy did the boy in E.T. use to lure the extraterrestrial? Reese's Pieces! Steven Spielberg originally was going to use M&M's but wasn't able to get the rights to do so.
  • The Incredibles (PG) was the first Pixar film above rated G.
  • What was the address that Nemo's father Marlin memorized when he was searching for his son in Finding Nemo? Marlin and Dory found swim goggles with the address P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney and memorized the address in hopes that Nemo would be there.
  • According to the Guinness Book of Records, the Lord of the Rings holds the record for the greatest number of false feet used in one movie: 60,000.
  • While filming the trilogy of Lord of the Rings, Viggo Mortensen got so into character that, during a conversation with Peter Jackson, Jackson addressed him as "Aragorn" for more than half an hour, and Mortensen didn't even realize it.
  • Lost Angeles is that one city that a movie must play in to be eligible for an Oscar.
  • Terminator 2 was the first Arnold Schwarzenegger movie to win four Academy Awards.
  • Tom Hanks is the voice of Woody in Toy Story.
  • Calvin Klein is the brand of underwear does Marty McFly wear in Back to the Future.
  • Alfred Hitchcock used chocolate syrup to portray blood in the shower scene of Psycho.
  • Beauty and the Beast was the first animated film to be nominated for an Oscar.

  • Beauty and the Beast is the movie has the exact same final dance scene as Sleeping Beauty.
  • Harry Potter’s birthday is July 31.
  • After the release of the film version of Breakfast at Tiffany's, author Truman Capote was very vocal about his disdain for the film, and especially the casting of Audrey Hepburn as Holly, a role that he hoped would go to his friend, Marilyn Monroe.


  • Tiffany's opened its doors on a Sunday for the first time since the 19th century so that filming could take place inside the store.
  • The movie was shot only three months after the birth of Hepburn's first son, Sean Ferrer.
  • Hepburn said the scene where she throws Cat out of the cab and into the rainy street was the most distasteful thing she ever had to do on film. And there were at least 9 different cats used to play Cat.


(credits: some of the photos from Google.com)

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